Personal, Social MediaMay 19, 2008<October 24, 2013 Fifteen Years of Online Social Interactions by Tamar Weinberg Many tech geeks will often say that their first forays into cyberspace began with a 300 baud modem and a BBS. I’m a little…
Blogging, OpinionMarch 13, 2007<July 30, 2010 Did You Really Have to Make a Video for That? by Tamar Weinberg I saw a very strange thing today. In response to Chris’s post about MySpace’s Digg clone, SearchAnyway replied using video. But if you listen…
PersonalDecember 27, 2006<March 31, 2008 Off to London… But First, a Funny Moment of 2006 Revisited by Tamar Weinberg I’m off to London until January 7th, but to celebrate the end of 2006, let’s remember the BBC Guy Goma-Kewney fiasco.
OpinionDecember 19, 2006<July 30, 2010 Are We All Prepared to Move to a Multimedia-Oriented World? Will it Last? by Tamar Weinberg Video is only hot right now, but its chances of long-lasting effects seem slim, and podcasts should be transcribed for those people who can’t take a chunk out of their day to listen to them.
Industry NewsOctober 29, 2006<March 31, 2008 President Bush Uses “the Google” by Tamar Weinberg This video features President Bush telling a television host that he uses Google satellite to visit his ranch.