Interviews, Social Media, WebsitesMarch 10, 2008<March 11, 2008 SXSW: Mark Zuckerberg Keynote (the edited liveblogged version) by Tamar Weinberg Greetings all from SXSW! It’s been an incredibly busy and physically taxing few days (with little hotel internet and no real opportunities to sit…
Opinion, Social MediaSeptember 4, 2007<March 31, 2008 Ideas vs. Execution: The Facebook Fiasco by Tamar Weinberg I’m getting a bit frustrated with the hundreds of posts that speak about individuals who claimed to invent Facebook before Mark Zuckerberg. Here’s the…
Social MediaFebruary 15, 2007<October 31, 2013 13 Reasons Why I Am an Obsessive Compulsive Facebook User by Tamar Weinberg I was one of the first users of Facebook back in April 2004 when it was rolled out to specific schools other than its…