Personal, Social MediaDecember 19, 2007<June 20, 2013 How Do You Network on Different Social Sites? by Tamar Weinberg How do you leverage different social networks? I am fascinated by the amount of social networks that I’m part of, but better yet, I’m…
Opinion, Social MediaJune 28, 2007<July 30, 2010 Is There a Tipping Point in Social Media? by Tamar Weinberg Ever since I was a pre-teen (it’s really been that long), I was immersed in social media to some extent. From chat rooms to…
Internet, Social MediaSeptember 26, 2006<March 31, 2008 Why People Use MySpace by Tamar Weinberg MySpace, with its openness to everyone and its ability to be customized, beat out Friendster and Facebook. I joined to find people I couldn’t find in either network.