Blogging, PersonalMarch 15, 2007<March 31, 2008 And a New Era is About to Begin by Tamar Weinberg I’m sure a few people have been watching me blog (with extreme gusto lately) and have wondered where the old me has gone. In…
Blogging, OpinionMarch 13, 2007<July 30, 2010 Did You Really Have to Make a Video for That? by Tamar Weinberg I saw a very strange thing today. In response to Chris’s post about MySpace’s Digg clone, SearchAnyway replied using video. But if you listen…
Blogging, Social MediaJanuary 31, 2007<July 30, 2010 A Good Headline Alone Can Drive Serious Traffic, Even if the Content Sucks by Tamar Weinberg Brian Clark said it so many times. The headline can do everything. Today, as I checked out what’s hot in Digg, I found a…
BloggingJanuary 11, 2007<July 30, 2010 JackFM and its Relationship to Blog Popularity by Tamar Weinberg One of my favorite radio stations is WCBS 101.1 Jack FM, a hot New York radio station that boasts the slogan “Playing what we…
BloggingJanuary 10, 2007<July 30, 2010 If You Don’t have a Blogroll, Will MyBlogLog Cut It? by Tamar Weinberg By joining MyBlogLog communities, users are essentially creating their own blogrolls. So do they still need blogrolls on their sites? I would say that it’s not necessary.