As consumers, it is in our nature to question products, and even doubt the technology behind them. When we offer the best, we demand the best in return. And our websites bare our names and our businesses’ online reputation. Finding a free website that you have an abundance of faith in may strike many as being a challenge. However, knowing what to look for, and what to leave off your plate, will help you make a smart decision. You can learn to build a free website @, for example, and feel confident and empowered that you are trusting a free product with your name—which is priceless. Continue reading to learn that you no longer have to take risks and stick your neck out.
Is Free really “free”?
Your time isn’t free, so why use a free website that wastes your time? You see where I’m going with this? Sometimes a website that claims to be free, is anything but. In an article by Deal News the author examines the psychology of spending. The author states that “free” is the most magical word in business to get someone reeled in. And when the product, at the end of the day, isn’t free, it will more than likely blow right over the consumer’s head. There are some vital components to a free website that you will want in order to save you time, and to ensure your online success:
· Customer support center that responds to your questions within 24 hours
· Current, modern technology
· Unique, professional designs (no corny templates)
· Potential for SEO (search engine optimization)
· Great, eye-catching features
· Simple to use
· Customizable
Another thing you will want to ensure is that the company doesn’t plaster your website with free adverts. This will detract from your professional look. Also, make sure the company has upgradable, paid websites that are affordable and that offer more bells and whistles.
Upgraded Paid website VS the Free guy?
One website isn’t any better than the other, as it is relative. For example, if the purpose for your website is to photo-share with family and friends and you know you will never need SEO (search engine optimization), then the free site will do its job beautifully. But if you are a business owner, then you may want to upgrade down the road to have more advanced features. Keep in mind many businesses successfully use the free version and don’t feel the need to upgrade, but knowing you have that option with a good, quality company will help you sleep at night.
If you already know right off the bat that you want an upgraded paid site, don’t jump the gun. Take the free site and use it for a few months. This will allow you to really test the company and get a good feel for how their services and customer support meet your expectations. Why pay for something when a company can’t meet your needs at the simplest levels? Be smart, make them work for you, and then determine if you wish to invest.
Doubting Thomas
By adhering to these tips, you will be able to remove all doubt when it comes to choosing the right website company to partner with. You don’t have to stick your neck out and hope that it doesn’t get chopped off by the deceitful “F” word (free). Know your company, know its services and products, and make them work for you. This will put you in the best position to make the most with your online presence.