Announcing the Newest Social Media Prince

Many of you have asked where I’ve been over the past few months.   I recently wrapped up writing a book on social media marketing for individuals to large businesses entitled The New Community Rules (Amazon link) and the book is slated for a late June/early July release.

But in even bigger news, two weeks ago today, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Announcing… David Jacob Weinberg!

Little David (who is named after my beloved Grandpa David) has been a bundle of joy so far (and a handful as well, but when are newborns not?!).

Thank you to all my internet friends for your outpouring of support (especially in light of the tweet I sent less than an hour after my son was born); I did so while the doctor was yelling at me NOT to use the phone … but who am I to listen when I was so excited to share such news? And in case you are wondering, my good friend Sam has set up a gift drive, a totally unexpected but appreciated gesture. Thanks Sam — and thanks to those who have contributed!

Hopefully we’ll see little David on social media sites in the upcoming months. 🙂

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45 replies on “Announcing the Newest Social Media Prince”
  1. says: Matt McGee

    What a marvelous picture! David Jacob … love the name. And congrats on the book, too. Very happy for you, T. Great to see good things happening to good people.

  2. Congratulations!! He’ll be on the web faster than you can blink. My little guy just turned 6 months and it seems like it was just yesterday when we came home.

  3. says: Rena

    Mazal Tov, mom! He’s beautiful. Wow, a baby and a book. You’ve had a busy year. I look forward to getting a copy.

  4. I am so pleased. Congrats and you both you look lovely. It’s never an easy gig, but I hope you have a delightful time of it where you can.

    Everyone’s advice is suspect. Just do what feels right. Don’t let yourself suffer too long (should suffering happen).

    You’re good people.

  5. says: Dror Zaifman

    Shalom Tamar

    Mazal Tov. David looks like such a mench already 😉
    Don’t worry about all the mishegass going on. It’s only until you get used to the routine. There is nothing better then the having your baby in your arms as we can tell by the smile in the picture.
    The name you choose for your son is also very nice. Just read the post on your grandfather and I can see why you choose such a nice name to honor such a great man.
    All the best to you and your family.
    Enjoy every minute 🙂

  6. says: Avi

    Mazal tov again Tamar and Brian! and welcome David Jacob! Hope to meet you all again soon, and finally you’ll be able to come with me to the best places in T.A Tamar! 😉

  7. says: Sophie Wegat

    Congratulations on the safe arrival of David Tamar. My little guy (Atticus John) is now 8 months old – I don’t know where the time went!

  8. says: Rupesh

    Real cool!! Here comes geek of the future…
    Tamar, congrats again. I can very well imagine you teaching him the alphabets as:-
    a for alltop
    b for basecamp
    c for clipmarks
    d for digg
    e for ego surfing
    f for flickr
    and so on… 🙂

  9. He is beautiful! I’d be happy to send you a copy of my book if you plan on traveling with him (decreases stress and prevents nightmares!) :).
    Enjoy each stage- they change SO fast. Congratulations and Welcome David…

  10. says: Dipankar

    Tamar congratulations. Was wondering where you were? Now I know.

    I also have a 4 month old daughter and she’s just a bundle of joy. Enjoy yours, David looks so adorable.

  11. says: Mani Karthik

    Congratulations to both of you, wish him all the best. Be well and enjoy the good times, from exp, I can tell you that these are the most memorable times of your life !

    Cheers !

    Mani Karthik

  12. says: Glen Allsopp

    Congratulations Tamar, I promise never to forget his birthday.

    Thanks to you and all of your support over the years as well. It is much appreciated!

    – Glen x

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