SMX Social Media Recap

As many of you know, I spoke for the first time at SMX Social Media. It was an exhilarating and nerve-wracking experience all the same. In the end, however, I’m glad that I did it.

My presentation was about the infamous Digg and how it can be used to bring your message to the attention of the public. I alluded to some of my 11 Digg tricks and referred to my 29 Digg API tools to improve the Digging experience. Andy Greenberg at Forbes ran an educational piece on what we presented. The most important thing that I should stress is that we like viral content and all you may need is just to give it to us properly by engaging us with content that we clearly enjoy. Eric Enge summarized many of my points and thoughts in his SMX takeaways. I suggest that you take his advice to heart.

The event kicked off with a super Internet Marketers of New York charity party which was sponsored by the nice guys at Best of the Web. The party raised thousands of dollars for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. A lot of the attendees showed up for the charity party, and it was great to see them (again or for the first time!)

I have to thank Danny Sullivan (especially because I forgot about him last time and didn’t hear the end of it) for putting together an awesome show. I’m particularly thankful to Karen DeWeese who did a lot of work behind the scenes and also arranged for six of us to have Kosher food (yay!)

This was a much smaller conference and thus a smaller crowd. However, it still rocked to see my 10e20 pals (Chris, Danielle, Jake, and Victor), in addition to Cameron, Brent, Neil, Rebecca, Rand, Kim, Li, Greg, Michael, Vanessa, Frank, the BOTW dudes (thanks for the sweatshirt–though I think I owe that to Frank), Jim, Jill, Avi, Guillaume, Eric, Steve, Chris, Matt, Jonathan (thank you for the tickets!), Deb (I didn’t forget this time!), and Barry (where else should I put you?).

I finally met Marty, Brian, Brendan, Eric, Shana, Ed, Chris Richardson (not the singer, of course, though it would have been cool to meet him instead), Sarah, Jason, Jane, Ross, Chris Elwell, and Henry (who totally totally needs to give me that domain name or at least pronounce the name right!).

And it was great to establish new contacts with some pretty interesting people, including Charles, Adam, Dave (we’re so going to have another Facebook chat!), Stephanie and Joe, Durova, Vekrum, Tony, and of course, StumbleUpon founder Garrett Camp and founder Joshua Schachter.

Here are some obligatory pictures (though not nearly as much as there were in San Jose):

Tamar on her first ever panelRebecca Kelley, Danny Sullivan, Tamar Weinberg - SMX NY 2007Danielle Winfield and Victor Murygin - SMX NY 2007
Kim Krause Berg and Guillaume Bouchard - SMX NY 2007Joshua Schachter and Garrett Camp - SMX NY 2007Neil Patel is a princess - SMX NY 2007

All in all, it was a great conference, but I think my biggest takeaway is not to speak and liveblog at the same conference. At the last minute, I learned that Kim Krause Berg was scheduled to cover all the sessions I thought I was blogging, and though I still blogged a few, I owe a thanks to Kim. πŸ™‚ For exhaustive conference coverage, check out Barry’s huge collection of links over at Search Engine Land.

It was good to see you all. Next time: December at Pubcon!

(And if I forgot anyone, please tell Danny so that he can give me a hard time once again on his radio show). πŸ™‚

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20 replies on “SMX Social Media Recap”
  1. I was happy to have your back, Tamar πŸ™‚

    You have far more courage than I. If I EVER actually speak someday, I hope someone brings me valium and a sexy massage therapist.

  2. says: Jason Falls

    And don’t let it go past without someone telling you there was no reason to be nervous for your presentation. You were brilliant and we learned a lot. Great recap and great to meet you! Looking forward to lots of exchanges in the future.

  3. says: Eric Lander

    Tamar, SMX rocked — and meeting all of you guys was an absolute pleasure. As I said last week to both you and Chris — you would never know it was your first time presenting. You handled it extremely well, as as others above mention, you gave some solid information and insight that was well appreciated.

  4. Not yet, Henry. I stayed indoors when it rained last. πŸ˜‰

    But if you really want to go back to biblical times, where the name Tamar first appears (Genesis 38), Tamar is pronounced the way I pronounce it. πŸ˜€

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