12 Ways to Improve Your Online Reputation with Wiselike


A lot of you have learned about recently launched Wiselike, and many of you signed up due to the prompting of your friends or my Facebook announcement.

Well, let me fill you in on something: I’m not one of the three cofounders, but I’ve been involved in this labor of love for the last five months. Wiselike is the culmination of a project created by CEO Kyu Lee, who has always been interested in career paths and had created several projects to learn about what people do and how they got there.

With the rising popularity of AMAs, creating Wiselike was a natural progression. In short, Wiselike lets everyone host their own perpetual AMA, regardless of whatever industry you’re in (you could be a sanitation dude, a stripper, a forest ranger, an army general, a company CEO, or whatever else–it’s for anyone and everyone!). Still, I should add that the focus should be on professional pursuits! (Of course, you can joke around too, but just be advised that we’ll all see it 🙂 )

Here are some ways to use Wiselike:

  • For reputation management, especially as Google gives more authority to this new domain over time.
  • For marketing purposes. Book authors, for example, can use Wiselike to promote upcoming titles coming out. Launching a new blog, company, or startup? Use your Wiselike page to tell people.
  • Your resume. Have a look at how this guy is doing it. P.S. I think you should hire him.
  • For event promotion. You can promote upcoming events through Wiselike. Just say “Hi, my name is XXXX, and I run the SXSW festival. Ask me anything.” People interested in attending the festival will. Promise. Especially if your conference has some sort of presence already.
  • Addressing stories in the top news. Let’s say CES or Fashion Week is around the corner. Want to promote your product in anticipation for the launch? Use Wiselike as a platform to give people a head’s up on what’s around the corner — you can even do Q&A after the launch (in case of embargo) too. Hit me up via featured at wiselike dot com if you’re interested in being featured!
  • For thought leadership. This is a given. Wiselike is all about thought leadership.
  • Town halls. I had a recent phone call with a friend whose town I used to live in. The neighborhood is currently experiencing its own “scandal” of sorts and a lot of misconceptions are going on. As such, there’s the need to address the community in a very transparent way. Wiselike makes this possible.
  • Private company transparency meetings: And this was already done! We were approached by a company recently who wanted to have their CEO answer questions in a private fashion that was completely internal to the company.
  • Candidacy platforms. Running for president? How cool would it be to ask Donald Trump some questions on the platform? Or…for now, we won’t aim so high. So let’s look at this guy’s profile–he’s running for school board and is already using it.
  • People setting records straight. It would be the perfect time for Noel Biderman, Ashley Madison’s former CEO, to speak up about what happened so that his words aren’t construed by the media. Because doesn’t that happen enough already?
  • To answer questions you know you’ve answered a gazillion times. If you’re an expert in something, you probably are asked the same questions repeatedly. Wouldn’t it be a good idea if you had a place to send people to, both to show them how you’ve answered in the past and to show them where they can ask you subsequent questions? This guy’s done that.
  • To boost your ego. Yes, come on. Doesn’t it feel good when someone wants to know more about you? Studies show that people really enjoy talking about themselves.

By the way, unlike other questions or platforms out there, if you don’t want to answer the question, it won’t be visible to the public. This gives you complete control over your online presence without any spam or unfavorable conversations on your profile. You want to shape your online presence? Now you can.

Here are some already live AMAs that have been held on the site:

  • Hillel Fuld, who Business Insider called the Robert Scoble of Israel (he’s a tech startup genius)
  • Susan Bennett, who you all know as Siri
  • Eric Whitacre, a Grammy winning composer and conductor
  • Graciela Chichilnisky, an authority on climate change who authored a paper that won the Nobel Prize
  • Ruth Kedar, the creator of the first Google logo (hey, she was scheduled before we knew about it, but the timing couldn’t have been better!)
  • Peter Dragone, who invented the Keurig
  • AJ Jacobs, who writes about incredible journeys and who has a crazy family tree of 280 million members–you’re probably on it (so am I! AJ is my uncle’s ex-wife’s uncle’s ex-wife’s first cousin’s husband first cousin once removed husband’s great niece’s husband – and no, those repetitions are intentional)
  • Vincent Connare, the creator of the Comic Sans font (yeah, baby)
  • Kevin Briggs, who is known to have stopped over 200 suicides on the Golden Gate Bridge
  • Wayne Fromm, the inventor of the selfie stick
  • Alex Cox, a British film director and nonfiction author (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, anyone?)
  • Jeff Charbonneau, the 2013 National Teacher of the Year
  • Bryan Peterson, author of the widely acclaimed introductory photography book, Understanding Exposure

So clearly, if you join, you’re in good company! And it’s an obvious eclectic crowd. You’ll fit right in.

The sky’s the limit on this. Take advantage of the opportunity to use your profile, (grow your clients’ profiles! C’mon marketing people, this is great for them too), grow your presence, and be wise…like you and I both know you are.

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One reply on “12 Ways to Improve Your Online Reputation with Wiselike”
  1. says: Charles Been

    Great to read Tamar, Nice post. Its a good to see after askme.fm, As i think different between both. askme is social media platform and here we can use for business purpose 🙂

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