Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2010

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As many of you know, I have an annual tradition of giving back to the community on my birthday, which is why this year is no different. Of course, then, today is my birthday, & it’s a big one. Today, I’m 30.

I started this “best posts” idea 5 years ago & it’s grown huge. 2010 by far was the biggest year yet in the Internet Marketing realm. That’s why this is the biggest post I’ve ever written (with over 10,000 words). In honor of my 30th birthday, I have 300 posts.

Here’s how I do it: I read & review hundreds — thousands — of articles yearly, on all Internet Marketing topics from SEO to social media to general entrepreneurship (new for 2010!), also gathering intelligence via their rankings on top social sites & by stumbling upon new items in my feed reader. Since I can’t read everything written by the Internet Marketing community, I ask my Twitter & Facebook followers for their own recommendations. Based on specific criteria, normally actionable takeaways & evergreen content, I review the content & post it here to share with Techipedia readers & new visitors. The content is typically introductory but occasionally more intermediate/advanced, so there’s a mix that should work for everyone.

This list is very long, but I hope it’s not any less valuable. I’m sure you’ll have a year (or more) of reading to do, but it’s worth it to empower you with all this great content that has been written by brilliant peers. Enjoy!

Special note: This is the LAST wrap up post you’ll ever receive via Techipedia. If you found this content valuable & would like to receive new articles on a monthly basis, please subscribe to the monthly newsletter, available at a super low rate for a limited time.

Social Media: Getting Started, Implementation, and Execution

Social Media (and Beyond): Small Business

Social Media: Hiring and in the Workplace

Social Media: Measurement and ROI

Social Media: General




Leveraging Other Social Media Sites


Reputation Management

Content Development/Marketing

Web Development and Website Strategy


SEO: Strategy

SEO: Information

Link Building

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing

Affiliate Marketing



Landing Pages

Local/Mobile Search

(Personal) Branding

Building a Brand/Brand Evangelism

Public Relations

Community Management/Engagement


General Online Marketing

Everything Else Under the Sun

And in case 300 wasn’t enough, here’s the best 2010 posts on Techipedia:


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Closing Thoughts

It’s been a great year. My son is thriving and just started walking. He brings a lot of great joy to our family. My book has been published in three languages: Italian, Portuguese, and German, and the German editorial team is already working on a second edition. I’ve been involved in some incredible projects, including plans for my own social startup (to be announced), and I think there will even be another one in the works very soon.

I’m starting to act as an advisor on several new social projects created by some highly motivated colleagues and peers; the social space looks extremely promising and there’s no shortage of some excellent things coming our way these next few months. I’m open to working with you on your social startups, so please be in touch.

I’m always interested in hearing about how I can help you on your business at any level, so please do connect with me and let’s see what we can do together.

Best wishes to you, your colleagues, and your families this year!

Photos by Shutterstock.

This post takes me an entire year to write due to reading and reviewing the posts and ultimately compiling them, and therefore consumes hundreds of hours of time. Since it happens every single year, please do not reproduce this on your site in any format. If you’d like to share this with your audience, please link to the post.

Oh, and if you like this post and/or want to say happy 30, I’m finally throwing in my Amazon Wishlist.

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73 replies on “Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2010”
  1. Hi Tamar,

    Happy! Happy! Happy! Birthday to You. I wish you many more successful years on earth.

    This post is so comprehensive and I knew it took you a lot of time to complete it – kudos to you! I trust myself, I can never complete such a post. I still have a lot of big list posts waiting for me to complete but I just get bored when trying to write a post so long.

    I’m so happy and really honored to be included on this list too. Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!


  2. says: Ben

    Ah, how i love these annual “best of” posts, let me count the ways!

    As a freelance consultant, and manager of other freelancers and interns, I can’t express how valuable these posts are in training newcomers (and incumbents) to our industry, as well as getting caught up on the posts I missed over the past year.

    Thanks for putting in the time to filter out the good stuff!!

  3. says: Christopher

    This is one of the best posts/lists I have come across. Thank you so much for putting this together, and making it easy to see what category the articles fit into.

    I am focusing my efforts on local and small business, but I have not been successful at compiling lots of articles on how they are using social media effectively. Each of the articles I have gone to so far has hit the nail on the head!

    I can already tell I am going to be coming back to this post again and again to read or reference more topics and articles. I will be sure to link back to you to give you the credit due for this amazing work.

  4. says: Jack Henke

    Wow! Sheer numbers don’t do your piece justice. The depth and obvious passion you put into this are really something. Sincere thanks for all of your work and expertise.

  5. says: Jamie Turner

    Wow! What a terrific post. I’ll be diving into this for many, many weeks to come.

    Definitely worth bookmarking.

    Thanks, Tamar!

    Jamie Turner

  6. says: Dave Chaffey

    Thank you Tamar, for an incredibly useful compilation. I spend a lot of time sharing good practices from many of these source and there were many new-to-me useful guides to follow-up on here.

    The categories work really well, but it seems there is no Joined-Up / Integrated Internet Marketing Strategy category – shows that we do love discussing the detailed tactics without looking at the big picture?!

    Dave Chaffey Joined Up Digital Marketing

    1. Thanks Dave. I’m not sure that it needs a category since much of that is touched upon in the posts themselves. I know one of Samir’s posts touches upon a cohesive Internet Marketing strategy, but I don’t think it makes sense to have an overlapping category on it. 🙂

  7. says: Ben Lang

    Wow, this a serious post, no messing around. I have a year’s worth of quality reading to do now 🙂

    Thanks so much for including EpicLaunch in this awesome list!

    Happy Birthday again 😉

  8. says: Jamie Dunham

    I don’t know you but I feel like I do! Thanks so much for a great post and have a wonderful Birthday and year. This is an incredible resource. I have your book and use it as a reference often. Best in the New Year!

  9. says: Elena

    Thank you so much for sharing this!! I just subscribed to your blog and look forward to all your posts!
    Happy Birthday! Your generosity is very inspiring

  10. says: Darin

    This is a great resource. Saved as a pdf and will be referring to it throughout this year. Wow, I am really glad I found this. I’m charged. Off to do some SEO.

    Editor’s note: Thanks Darin for your comment. However, what would happen if I screamed san diego home inspection in the street? Would you turn around? Probably not, so please abide by my blog policy and use your real name. In the meantime, your comment was edited as was the link. You can’t say I didn’t tell you so.

  11. says: Kwame

    This is great! Need to take time to select a couple of the articles to read over the weeks. Don’t want to break my skull trying to read everything :)! Happy birthday Tamar and best wishes for this new year!

  12. says: Jayesh Pau

    what a superb post reading in the Welcome of 2011.

    great efforts to collect very useful posts and compile with relevant categories..wonderful job.. really appreciated.


  13. says: Jody Nimetz

    Most excellent Tamar. Looks like a lot of time was spent comiling these posts. I am hoping that Marketing Jive will be back on the list in 2011. Hope you had a great birthday! Keep up the great work!

  14. says: Gareth

    Great list Tamar! I need to know how long it took to compile 🙂

    Edited: Hey Gareth, please please please follow my blog policy. I don’t think your name is SEO Doctor; I think it’s Gareth. Right?

  15. Pingback: SERPD
  16. says: Lisa


    A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!! 30 is an exciting time and especially when all your ducks are in row such as yourself. This is such a comprehensive list and I am so thankful to be able to reference these topics. Kudos to your hard work and diligence on this project. Absolutely wonderful job.

    All the best,

  17. says: Isra García

    Hey Tamar!

    This post is simply brilliant, an awe-inspiring piece of work put together. I just want to say thank you for sharing it, and also thank you for your kindness and humanity, always ready to help and contribute in any initiative.

    Happy birthday and all the best in life’s journey!

    Isra García

  18. Dear Tamar,

    This is awesome curation – I’m amazed at the hard work you put in behind this post.

    Here’s wishing you a very happy birthday and a great New Year 2011!

    Kudos for the great work in 2010.

  19. says: EDITED

    Thanks for sharing these great article at this single place. Great work (Y)

    Editor’s note: Thanks for your comments. However, as stated in my blog policy, I have asked you to use your real name. I do not think your name is “Seo Queen” and have edited your comment and URL as explained in the blog policy.

  20. says: Eric G.

    Awesome post, however I think you missed an awesome post from Pat Flynn’s “Smart Passive Income” site. The article is titled: “THE Backlinking Strategy That Works.” I was actually shocked not to see it on your list, but that’s okay, your list contains a lot of other amazing articles. 🙂

    – Eric

  21. Feliz cumpleaños Tamar!

    Since I discovered this compillations and read your book, these are my favorite posts year after year.

    It´s a pity you´ll stop doing it for free, but it was nice while it lasted,

    Thankyou so much


    1. Edgar, hopefully you’ll find it valuable enough that you’d pay the $10 (which comes out to what, $0.03/hr for my effort?) for the monthly mailing. 😉 With someone recently tweeting that this post is valued at $1 million, I think it’s a small price to pay!

  22. says: DSL

    Thanks for the information..I really like your post..Social Media had played a vital role in the growth of internet and almost every one is working with it.. Now a days you can see a lot of people using internet facilities to contact each other as it is cheap and easy too..

  23. Hi Tamar,
    Thank you for this incredibly helpful list. This has an amazing value for us. 🙂

    And or course, happy birthday! It seems that we were born only 1 day apart – I turned 30 on Jan 7th 🙂 Have a great year, full of discovery, joy and fulfillment.

    Mike @

  24. says: Diane Dick

    Hi Tamar

    Where to start! This is amazing and will be many hours of reading. What a fantastic effort and I sincerely appreciate your effort and time. I look forward to being able to work through and implement many of your research topics and ideas onto my websites. Happy Birthday.

    1. Hi Lucy, the links above should help, but why not subscribe to other blogs in your area or follow Google Trends or subscribe to alerts in your topic matter to see what types of content is being posted? Hopefully that can inspire you.

  25. says: James F.

    Wow.. I will be using this list for an entire year! It’s so freakin long..

    This post itself is one of the best marketing posts of 2010.. you should of included it. lol

    – James F.

  26. says: John Carr

    Thank you Tamar – What a fantastic list of usable resources all in one page. I am a ‘boomer’ who was, figuratively speaking, born at the wrong time. I find it so refreshing to see what your generation is doing to become more transparent, ethical and green. It was about time. We, grey hair folks get ‘no cigar’ on that department.
    Keep up the great job.

  27. says: Jana Glass

    You need over 1,000 words to be legit! This post just an adsense trap!

    JK 🙂 Probably the best ‘best of’ I have seen from anyone in a long time. Quite a few posts I’ve never read before.

  28. says: Dustin

    Thank you for this great resource, these articles are very helpful (so many left to read). Awesome job and thanks again for doing something for other people on your day.

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