Light Posting Alert: Passover and SES NY

On Thursday night, I attended the Problogger/Text-Link-Ads NYC Meetup. I barely knew anyone, and neither did Darren, apparently, but he was indeed the celebrity. (Can you find me in those pictures?) I also was fortunate to meet Philip Liu who took some nice shots of the event as well.

Tomorrow night, I’m headed southbound to hang with the folks for the Passover holiday. I’ll then be back here to do some work, but next weekend, I’m headed to the in-laws in Pennsylvania for the remainder of the holiday.

The Search Engine Strategies conference in NY will be in full-spin when I return to New York. I’ll be covering some of the SES-NY sessions along with a bunch of wonderful people who I haven’t yet met. If you’ll be at SES-NY, please be sure to introduce yourself.

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One reply on “Light Posting Alert: Passover and SES NY”
  1. says: Judah

    Sorry I missed you and Barry.
    I had a party the next morning for a little tyke I’m getting to know..;-)

    Enjoy your Passover!


    Judah Gutwein

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