Is Your Site Web 2.0? If Not, Perhaps it Should Be.

GlobeI just saw interesting report via MicroPersuasion. A recent study showed that Web 2.0 has a very great reach within large companies. A study done by Clearswift did a survey with 827 individuals in large companies (1,000 employees and up) and found the following:

  • 43% of office workers access social media sites from their work computers several times a day
  • 51% spend an hour or more a week on the sites; 13% spend five hours or more
  • 46% have discussed work-related issues on social media sites
  • 46% regularly access Wikipedia during work hours
  • 50% believe they have a right to use work computers for personal internet access

What do you think of these findings? Do they come as a surprise to you? Are they representative of your surfing behavior?

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3 replies on “Is Your Site Web 2.0? If Not, Perhaps it Should Be.”
  1. says: Aneil

    Not a surprise at all! Unfortunately, many larger companies are still ignoring the trends when it comes to marketing etc. Too bad the comfort zone is so difficult to leave eh?

  2. says: Enrico

    I recently read this girl’s myspace blog post about how download sites should switch to the web2.0 model, and that Beta Marker is going along the lines of that…

    her blog post

    Beta Marker is a pretty nice website, and a very good application.
    Maybe a review is in order.

    have been reading your blog for a couple of weeks now, found you through digg, you totally own the homepage!)

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