Best Internet Marketing Blog Posts of 2007

BlogLast year, I ended 2006 with a great (and still pertinent) list of blog posts and articles that I felt were really the best in their class in the area of Internet Marketing. This year, I present you my favorite timeless posts of 2007, complete with descriptions about each blog post (which more than quadrupled the workload for me this time around, especially because I tripled the amount of links, but I had fun!) šŸ™‚ (Disclaimer: I’m certain that even with this list in excess of 250 links, I forgot a bunch of posts, so if you have any additional recommendations, please feel free to comment and I’ll add them!)

By the way, I still haven’t fully embraced video yet, so this will only include written articles. Maybe next year, folks!

Social Media Sites: General







  • Newbies Guide to Twitter (Chris Brogan): Haven’t used Twitter yet? Maybe you should get started, but if you’re inundated with all the hype about Twitter, sit down, relax, and read this beginner’s guide.
  • The Big Juicy Twitter Guide (Caroline Middlebrook): Want more Twitter goodness? Caroline has a 7-part series on how Twitter has worked as a successful networking and productivity tool.


  • Become a Power User (Web Worker Daily): Not many people talk about using for its social media potential, but it’s a good tool for social bookmarking and should be utilized.


Traffic SpikeSocial Media and Social Media Marketing

General Internet Marketing

Viral Strategies

LinksLink Resources

Blogging: General

Blogging: Inspiration

Blogging: Promotion

Content Generation

Reputation Management

Video CameraVideo Articles


Search Engine Optimization

  • Why the SEO Folks are Mad at You, Jason (Search Engine Land): Danny defends SEO — again.
  • Search Ranking Factors v2 (SEOmoz): Rand Fishkin asked a bunch of experts about what determines search rankings and published the new findings in April.
  • The Bloggers Guide to SEO (SEOBook): Aaron and Giovanna have created a great in-depth guide on how bloggers can ensure that their posts are ranked well within the search engine results. Unlike their eBook (aff) which is worth every penny, the guide is free.
  • How to SEO Your Site in Less than 60 Minutes (Small Business SEM): Matt McGee acknowledges that you need to take more than 60 minutes to SEO your site effectively, but if you were really in such a time crunch, you might as well use his guide as a starting point.
  • Example of SEO Strategy Document (Shimon Sandler): What should you present your clients when you’re offering services in SEO? Shimon literally gave away his trade secret with this one.
  • The SEO Playbook (Stuntdubl): Todd calls this “the advanced beginner’s guide” and goes through the techniques that get you top rankings. He also includes a whole lot of additional links for reference which makes this blog post extremely comprehensive.
  • Search Engine Optimization Warfare (Stuntdubl): Todd calls this post “the competitive webmaster’s guide to understanding the dynamics of top rankings.” I’ll leave you to read the rest.
  • Top SEO Tips (SEO Refugee Forums): GaryTheScubaGuy lists his 12 most important SEO factors.
  • What Makes SEO and SEM So Damn Hard (SEOmoz): Marketers face a lot of obstacles in the SEO and SEM sphere and it’s a difficult task. What are the challenges? Rand explains all.
  • The Lowdown on Press Release Optimization (Top Rank Blog): Lee Odden knows a lot more about press releases than I do, and he talks about what you can to do optimize those PRs.
  • Ultimate Local Search Optimization Resources (Web Analytics World): Manoj Jasra aggregates a bunch of websites and provides resources which should help anyone in the area of local optimization.
  • But is it Spam? (SEOBook): Aaron shows through examples that we should come up with the correct search marketing strategy.
  • WordPress SEO Masterclass for Competitive Niches (Andy Beard): Is your blog niche competitive enough that you feel that you can’t rank for these terms? Take apart your WordPress theme and make it search-friendly. Awesome.
  • A Complete Glossary of Essential SEO Jargon (SEOmoz): For newcomers in the SEO sphere, there are a ton of acronyms and terms that you should get acquainted with.
  • 21 Essential SEO Tips & Techniques (Search Engine Land): Matt McGee explains that these are the things you should do whether you’re hiring an SEO firm or doing SEO yourself.
  • Keyword Inspiration: Aaron Wall Shares His Secrets (WordTracker Blog): Where does Aaron Wall get his ideas for the ideal keywords? Now you know!
  • SEO Expert Quiz (SEOmoz): Are you an SEO expert? Launched earlier this year, the SEOmoz quiz will let you know how literate you are in the world of SEO.
  • Why the PageRank Toolbar is Killing the SEO Industry (Search Engine Roundtable): Barry Schwartz argues that if PageRank were removed, then the whole landscape of SEO would change.
  • 7 Steps to Get Your New Site Indexed in 24 Hours (Solo SEO): From my experience, it was all about WordPress, but Michael Jensen gives more realistic steps in the absence of the blogging platform.
  • 55 SEO Interview Questions (All Things SEM): Marios Alexandrou has been interviewing for quite some time. What questions does he ask during the interview process and what should you also ask?

Search Engine Stuff

Web Development

Search Marketing Tools

Money ClipPaid Search

Recommended Books

Affiliate Sites: My disclaimer here is that I’m not at all too familiar with this area, but I think these articles will certainly get me started when I make the time!

Domaining: Another disclaimer – I’m also not really involved in the domainer’s sphere yet, but these are really good reads.


And finally, Techipedia’s Best Posts for 2007 (that aren’t rants)

Lastly, one real final milestone for me: my first mention in Forbes!

This reading should set you back 12 months… until 2009. But don’t only read these articles, because you’ll still need to catch up on the latest and greatest in Internet Marketing developments over the course of ’08 — unless you just want to come here next December. šŸ˜‰

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336 replies on “Best Internet Marketing Blog Posts of 2007”
  1. says: Ann Smarty

    Thanks for twittering about this list.

    Congrats on being mentioned on Forbs – waiting for you to appear on there billionaire list (will it be your next “milestone” ) šŸ˜‰

    Happy Holidays!

  2. says: Shana Albert

    Wow, Tamar…. what an amazing list of incredible sites. This must have taken you forever to put together. Thank you so much for doing so…. I have not only Stumbled & Sphunn it, but saved it to for my own future reference. Oh, and I’m so incredibly honored to be mentioned a couple of times on the list… you have no idea. šŸ™‚

    Great Job!!


  3. says: daver

    I nominate this post for best of 07/08. Great list and I want to thank you for keeping me busy every night for the next 2 months. šŸ™‚

  4. Wow Tamar this is an incredible list. This will keep me reading for days. While I have read a lot of these already, I am amazed at the number of new blogs I found from this list.

    By the way, thanks for mentioning my StumbleUpon articles.


  5. congrats on making Forbes … with an exhaustive list like this, it’s a much-deserved honor

    glad to see you’re making a name for yourself

    this is the most comprehensive guide to the year in social media i’ve seen yet; thanks for sharing

  6. says: Joe Duck

    Tamar this is a *great* list of posts!

    Please don’t embrace video – at least for a few years. Until we have much better video content indexing you can’t do lists like this in video that can quickly be scanned, sliced, and diced into what you want to read and don’t want. Video, in terms of information dissemination, often sucks, and for me it’s all about the info.

  7. This is such an annoying post. How am I supposed to come up with a comparable “This was 2007”, post within the space we live. meh! I may as well take the day off and watch my Larry David DVD again.

    On the other hand, thanks for including me in the list. If there is a list, I wanna be on it.

  8. says: Ravi

    Wow, reading this, I actually thought it was TOO long…that’s just how information-dense it was. Thanks for a great resource!

  9. says: Michael

    Including this link = is this a joke? You include this among many other worthy posts. The list as a whole is great: this item has absolutely no place on this list. Missed major sites, included absolutely no analysis of any of them except parroting their marketing speak. This item has no place on this fine list.

    Social Networking: Ages 20-60 and Up (Muhammad Saleem): Did you know that the older folk also embrace social networking? What are the most popular sites in these age groups?

  10. Hey Michael, it’s good to know that there’s someone there who has a differing opinion. šŸ™‚ Besides arguing that the link doesn’t belong there, can you talk about the major sites that are missed? That list, from my review, didn’t intend to be comprehensive at all, but it certainly shows that social media goes beyond the simple age groups that many people envision. Social media is not only about the younger demographic; there’s a lot more to it and the point was that there are other sites that accommodate other age groups.

  11. says: Bill Hartzer

    Wow, what a post. Not only is this a great year-end recap of 2007, it’s an all-time great post…and will continue to be a great resource in the future. This probably could have actually be about 30 separate posts.

  12. says: Vikram

    Awesome, Fascinating, Incredible, Marvelous, Prodigious…Whew!
    If I had studied as much stuff you have posted in this list, in my school, I would have had a better vocabulary, to pay you a decent compliment!
    This post is like an encyclopedia of good posts in 2007! Really appreciate the hard work you have put in! V

  13. Jeremiah’s stuff is linked too. I actually overlooked his Twitter guide (do you have a URL for it? The only one I know I saw but didn’t include was the Webware one), but overall, I was looking for diversity as well. šŸ˜‰

  14. OMG! – repeating from previous posts – this list rocks!

    Anyone who owns a website should bookmark this page and read, read, read (and then do, do, do).

    Thank you for the list.


  15. says: mommy

    Wow! this is awesome! your fellow bloggers should be proud as I am of you.
    All the best to you in all your endeavors.
    We love you,

  16. Mega awesome, UR da roXerz
    Got this link from Jeremiah’s Twitterstream, thanks for sharing
    and thanks for taking the time to put this together for the edification of mere mortals šŸ˜‰

  17. says: Alex -S-


    Awesome post! My only problem is – how am i going to find time to go through all the links? šŸ™‚

  18. Tamar, you should get the Pulitzer for “Most Complete Internet Marketing & Social Media Resource”.

    They have those, don’t they?

    Amazing and excellent list. I’d love to know how many hours you put into this.

    Thanks for the exhaustive detail and the worthwhile list.

    In fact, this ought to be an annual compilation. Let me know if you want this broadcast far and wide, and we’ll get a podcast with you to make it sizzle.

    Many thanks again,
    Mark Alan Effinger

  19. says: Abhilash

    Seriously? Wow Tamar! I’m not sure how long it took you to put that list together, but you deserve every damn link you’re going to get. I’ve already sent this on to several people and am now going to have many hours of reading posts that I didn’t get the first time ’round. Thanks!

  20. says: Chris Boggs

    wow Tamar great job! I was slightly disappointed that none of my SEW Experts “Outsourced” posts made the “Business” section. But I’ll get over myself… :p

    On that subject, I feel that a few of the other SEW posts should have been included as well…but it looks like Eric Enge was the only one you gave any (well-deserved) love to over there…why you hatin’? šŸ˜‰

  21. Adriana – thanks. I thought about the usability articles, but didn’t find too many šŸ™

    I put some analytics posts in (Avinash is linked there a few times) but not in its own section.

    I’ll have to consider each of these for next year!

  22. says: Chip

    This list is the greatest. I have already started reading some of the articles. I’m trying to put in practice everything on this list. Of course, where it applies.

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  24. Hi Tamar, you’ve just provided me with my reading list for 2008, I should get through it by the end of the year. šŸ˜‰ Just kidding(sort of). Awesome post, thanks and have a wonderful 2008!

  25. Great list. Do you have time to sleep?

    Thanks especially for links section. I resolved to learn more about that this year and here I find a great resource on Jan 1st.

  26. says: Arif

    Hello Tamar,

    One more Thank you for this comprehensive list. Haven’t gone through many arctiles yet, but they look promising. I’m looking forward to read the ones under the Blog section. Now all I need is post that explains, “How to Read, consume and implement the gazillion great posts, posted by Tammar.”

  27. says: madhavaji

    This is truly awesome. It’s not helping with my ‘information overload’ issues but this is the kind of post that gives social media a good name – useful, relevant, well written and thoughtful content. Thanks tamar šŸ™‚

  28. says: Shane

    WOW! This list is absolutely amazing!

    I’m just getting started with social networking and loving it. Your list should vastly speed up my education.

    I hope 2008 is an awesome year for you.

    Thank you,


  29. Pingback: Acorn Creative
  30. says: Vicky

    Great list. Do you have time to sleep?

    Thanks especially for links section. I resolved to learn more about that this year and here I find a great resource on Jan 1st.


  31. says: Marlo

    Nice Job Tamar! Going to start this immediately…already got my friends in Cape Town working on this.


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  34. Incredible, amazing, awesome.

    This post has hit the whole blogoshere, and beyond… like a thunderbolt!

    I thought Brian Clark of Copyblogger fame would never be at a loss for words, but he was literally dumbstruck – so much so that all he could utter was: “WOW”!

    And here is what I say in my “Translator Power” blog:
    “Truly huge, colossal, awe-inspiring!

    This page will be continually updated by an endless stream of enthusiastic comments until December 31, 2008 thus keeping in perfect alignment with Seth Godin’s Three U’s: Useful, Updated, Unique.

    Tamar is a real Goddess and I am her #1 worshipper šŸ™‚ No wonder she made Forbes! Now, let me tell you this: Even if she had stopped at the “Social Media” section this post would still be ‘the best post of all times’ as far as I’m concerned!”

  35. Pingback: Epiphanies, Inc.
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  37. Pingback: Killer Links #1
  38. says: Kim

    Great information you got there. Internet marketing is just something and everywhere. Michelle MacPhearson discusses a lot about internet marketing. For additional information, tools and tips, I regularly visit her site.

  39. says: Max Worton

    All these articles are important, but a single simple SEO packaged researched solution is really the end requirement.

    Editor’s edit: spam links removed. A “real” SEO firm doesn’t spam blog comments.

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  42. says: shariha

    Internet Marketing: A ringside view:

    If your business involves products or services spread across the globe or even within a region, internet marketing can be effective in showcasing your product/service to the discerning buyer. The first step towards a successful internet marketing campaign would be building a suitable web-site. Your web-site should be simple but elegant looking. Crisp and precise presentation often scores over too many colors, too many promises or in short too much of anything. The prospective customers would be looking for valuable information that he can instantaneously use.

    Great web sites often offer some freebies like music downloads, software downloads, computer games, graphics etc. to attract customers. So if the freebies you offer are attractive enough for the target customer profile, the traffic to your site will also rise rapidly. Internet marketing is indeed a long drawn process where you first build a web-site and then nurture it through all its stages till you can figure at the top of the search engine results.

    Search Engine optimization and link building are the two most popular methods to improve the ranking of your web-site. Internet marketing cannot ignore these tools even though they come at a hefty price. Enter any search string into the most popular search engines, and you will stumble upon several hundred, if not thousand pages of information relating to that subject. People searching for information tend to look at the first few web-sites that come up from the search result. Chances are that the information they sought would be contained in those pages. Therefore, most searches do not get beyond the first page of the results. Imagine if your web-site figures in the 20th or 21st page, the traffic it can generate for you would be only closer to zero. This makes search engine optimization relevant to make your web-site work for you.

    What are the main attributes of search engine optimization? Keywords and link building; these are the two major attributes that would help you to optimize your web-site for the search engines. Keywords are the possible search strings that a user will enter into the search counter. For example, someone looking for a Home Theatre can use terms like “Electronic product manufacturers” or “Theatre Equipment dealers” or “Home Theatre manufacturers” or even “where can I buy a Home Theatre”. Though all these search strings have a commonality, they are also distinct. Therefore, a web-site representing Home theatre should have all these phrases somewhere in their content, preferably in the first page and right on top. Search Engines crawl through several thousand pages at lightning speed and return with the optimal results. Keywords and key phrases should be coined by experts to get the best results.

    Link building is another important aspect of internet marketing. Most popular search engines will look at the number of links that your web-site has to other web-sites and blogs. If the number of links is high, it indicates the popularity of your web-site and hence get ranked at the top.

    Article marketing – There are several article banks which will accept your submissions and then feed to

    People look for information on various topics. So, if you are in the business of solar energy, you can create or hire people to write articles on solar energy, submit to the article banks, with a link to your web-site. This will induce the visitor to look at your site and when the number of articles is large, the number of visits to your web site will also rise in proportion. Article marketing is yet another tool to lead you to success in internet marketing.

    Whatever your business we at [thanks for the link, Shariha, and for putting the effort into this article, but I don’t appreciate the spam drop] can help you design, maintain and sustain your business website.

  43. Internet marketing is indeed a long drawn process where you first build a web-site and then nurture it through all its stages till you can figure at the top of the search engine results.

  44. says: Laurie

    Hi Tamar,

    I appreciate and admire your work. This surely helps a lot of marketers both newbies and experts to learn more and update their skills in internet marketing.

    Your list serves like an Internet Marketing Bible, for real.
    Surely, I’ll take note of all those you’ve listed to further broaden my knowledge and build my skills and get ready to face the field and make money.

    Thanks a lot.

  45. Wow, unbelievable list. I have to thank you Tamar,as well. I appreciate the time and openess to share the knowledge with others. Thank you, I will be setting time aside to read alot of what you archived!

  46. says: Muzaffer

    This is a huge compilation of blog posts best work and service to humanity. People charge for this information but you providing all this free. It will help a lot to marketers in setting up and running their online business with all the necessary resources needed and available from this site. Thanks a lot and God bless….

  47. says: Ruthrbns

    This looks to be a nice post for internet marketing this give ideas to create blog in a efficient manner I would congratulate you for your service

  48. says: Neil

    Amazing! I read many of those blogs. “Best” is a hard word to define, most popular is much easier. I think some of these fall in that category. Nonetheless, great list. I look for to your aggregation of the 2008 list in December.

  49. Hi Tamar.
    Every word that I could say has already been said here. So I just want to thank for all your great efforts and all the time that you have invested in this great resource.

  50. says: Garen Arnold

    This blog is awesome. Really sweet. They is a grab bag of resources offered at the blog. I have bookmarked it so I can come back time and time again if I need to reference something that I have been looking up.

    [ed’s note: self-promotional links removed]

  51. says: Dan

    Hey, what’s missing from this fabulous list is a blog post that’s not only a valuable lesson in marketing, but is also funny…

    Perhaps you’ll agree that this video of Hitler trying to get Twitter Followers wins the hilarious award. So many people (especially marketers) DON’T GET Twitter – much as is the case with Hitler in this spoof.

    “Twitter Frustrates Hitler As Followers Split”

    It shows the frustration of Hitler as he tries to get “followers” on Twitter, yet can only get THREE!

    Here are some of the recent comments:

    I haven’t laughed like this in a loooong time. Thank you for the video. It’s funnier than funny! –Ben

    That is brilliant. Not to mention so funny I nearly choked on my drink while watching it. –Tom

    Hilarious & genius!!!! –Bob

    This is hilarious… really clever. Thank you, we need humor in our lives. –Marlene

    It’s on YouTube or at my blog:

  52. Thanks Dan for the overly self-promotional post. I hope you realize that this is a post for the “Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2007,” and my rules for inclusion are that the post must be written in 2007. Your post, written on August 15, 2008, is clearly not eligible.

  53. Excellent review of the major online earning programs. Really enjoyed the post, And i actually agress with you that adsense is by far the best program to earn some money rather quickly.

  54. says: Cassandra

    That was a huge list of informative and helpful resources not only for link building but also for online marketing. I must read all of this in order to learn what are those techniques and ideas on how to boost up my internet marketing and site.

  55. says: Kim Web

    Wow that is an awesome list I am especially happy with the information on links, I will be book marking this page for future reference. Even though this is 2007’s list maybe a list for 2009, but I am sure the information here will be of great use, thanks once again

  56. says: Ashwin

    Nice listing of blogs.

    But since none of these blogs tell a thing about how online marketing is about to change the world and this is because in the words of business stalwarts “Entrepreneurs are about to rule Indian business especially after the recession”, I decided to give it a shot myself on my blog.

  57. says: Ashwin

    Sorry my blog post, and the point I mentioned in my previous comment is particularly relevant with Indian business market only.

  58. wow, Wonderful blog with complete reference about the Internet Marketing….. Which is very much useful for the Internet Business marketing persons…..Thanks a lot for this wonderful listings….

  59. I found some great blog posts in this list; thanks. Will you publish a similar list for 2009, and if so, when is it going to appear on this blog? Also, what’s the link to the 2008 list if any.

  60. says: robseo

    This article is a great piece of work, Iā€™m very pleased to have been mentioned on it!I really got attracted towards your post becoz its very helpful for any body

  61. says: Steve

    Great List! I appreciate all the time and effort you put into this. I know a lot of bloggers will find this very helpful. Here’s another good article: that people will probably find helpful. I’m going to look forward to these lists every year!

  62. says: vnanuva

    Hi Tamar Weinberg,

    What a marvelous list I think god is really give you best gift in writing. Your writing ability is better and better as compare to all. Above all point are very much useful for all at different place. Great work please continue. Bye & God bless you.

    Thanks a Lot.

    Edited: Like I said, I will enforce my blog commenting policy and using the name Ecommerce Website Marketing was noncompliance.

  63. says: Eamon

    wow, Wonderful blog with complete reference about the Internet Marketingā€¦.. Which is very much useful for the Internet Business marketing personsā€¦..Thanks a lot for this wonderful listingsā€¦.

  64. Thanks Tamar , I think your post is a best post .Through your post you are getting so many use full information and thats helpful for all .Thanks a lot .

    Editor’s note: Thanks for your comments. However, as stated in my blog policy, I have asked you to use your real name. I do not think your name is “Top Seo Company India” and have edited your comment and URL as explained in the blog policy. Oh, and I stole your link. Thanks for playing!

  65. says: joel walters

    Well done. It’s gonna take a while for me to read through these. Must have taken a Long time to make this list. Thanks a million! Iā€™ll be passing this along through my website.

    Joel Walters

  66. First attempt at post failed for some reason-

    It’s amazing to think that Facebook is considered a powerful tool to internet marketers. 99% of people see it as a form of entertainment and a way to keep in touch with friends, while the rest of us see it as a way to market our products to a highly targeted audience. I haven’t tried it myself but I’ve heard good things.

  67. says: Steve SEO

    This is fantastic information! I’m definitely going to recommend several of these resources at my website <a href=""></a>.


  68. says: David

    Great post Tamar! I think I can’t get a better compilation of these sites than this site. I’ve bookmarked this site for future reference.


    Editor’s note: Thanks for your comments, David — you tried! However, as stated in my blog policy, I have asked you to use your real name. I do not think your name is “Security Tool” and have edited your comment and URL as explained in the blog policy. Oh, and I stole your link.

  69. says: Spunky Jones

    This is a very nice list, for sure. It would be interesting, where these sites, stand today in 2011. Have you any updated information pertaining to this post?

    1. Spunky, there are dozens of links to the 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 posts. For 2011, you can pay for the monthly subscription via this link. I know I rank well for the 2007 list, but it would be awesome for you to look for the other posts rather than use my site’s comments to get better rankings to your SEO blog. I’m a little smarter than that.

Comments are closed.