Hot off the Press: SES Schwag, Lifehacker, and The Drill Down

Before we get back to the daily grind, I owe thanks to a few more people than those I mentioned yesterday.

First, I got this awesome package in the mail courtesy of the team today.

SES Followup Schwag from (You rock!)

I love it! Thanks so much, Erik, Patrick, Gary, and Jennifer! 🙂

Second, I wanted to thank the guys who helped me score some schwag at SES San Jose. I only featured people in my last post, but look what was inside my suitcase once I got home! Can you believe I managed this? I really don’t.

SES San Jose 2007 Schwag: Pens and other trinketsSES San Jose 2007 Schwag: Shirts OnlyMiscellaneous SES San Jose 2007 Schwag

The individual photos have a lot of Flickr notes on them in case you were wondering who was giving out what.

In other news, I’m fortunate to have joined the Gawker team writing for probably one of my favorite blogs of all time, Lifehacker. It’s an incredible privilege to be part of such a wonderful team. Thanks for taking me on board!

And finally, as you may know, three of my pals started a tech-oriented podcast and I’ve been a guest on two of the shows. If you are interested in tech and social media news, check out The Drill Down. You’ll find me in episodes 3 and 6, but the others are pretty good too. 😉

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2 replies on “Hot off the Press: SES Schwag, Lifehacker, and The Drill Down”
  1. says: Jody

    Hey Tamar,

    That stuff from ASK is so wicked. I didn’t see any Schwag at their booth which is too bad because I love Love the shirt and the backpack. Nice job… You know if you ever get sick of it…..

    Have a great weekend!


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