Bad Advice … or Just Advice that Doesn’t Pertain to Me?

I was given advice to narrow down the scope of my blog, but I've been unable to comply. I'm going to take a more personal approach to blogging from this point onwards.

Bad AdviceThose of you who have read of me through my blog might see that I’ve been trying not to get too personal in my blog posts. Industry news and a little opinion has been what I’ve covered thus far. I suppose this is partly because of advice I have taken from a well-known SEO who ironically wrote an interesting blog post a mere three days ago on bad advice that sounds good. I take advice from such individuals with more than just a grain of salt because those are the very individuals who are defining my perspective on SEO, of which I have recently shown great interest.

Note that I said “recently.” That’s because a few months ago, I didn’t even know such a thing existed. I was a huge participant in social media, but SEO was a virtual unknown to me.

I remember approaching Aaron about my blog initially, asking him what I should write about. He mentioned that I should really hone down to a main idea. This is good advice if I amassed all of the information on SEO as he has, but like I said, I’m a newcomer to this scene and this blog was originally an attempt for me to discover this world. My “main idea” is too broad if I am going to write what I’m passionate about.

My being is not just SEO, social media, and technology. Some of my favorite blogs are more personal in scope. I like that.

Some people can define their successes by their knowledge, and these individuals are walking encyclopedias of sorts. Aaron’s blog is very successful because it is not about one aspect of SEO but features different angles of it. I might be inclined to liken it to a mainly “SEO gallery” consisting of hundreds of “SEO paintings.” (Too far a stretch there?)

I suppose not everybody can wing it that way, really. As much as I think I can, it’s rather challenging. The advice was good and sound, though impractical for my purposes. Perhaps that means I am not writing for my initial desired user base, though I still hope the blog is still informative.

On the other hand, maybe writing in a more personalized manner and broadening the topics I write about will bring a wider audience.

Allow this blog to be my social experiment. Will you let me know how I’m doing?

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7 replies on “Bad Advice … or Just Advice that Doesn’t Pertain to Me?”
  1. I think you’re doing great Tamar!

    It may take time…you want to find your niche, develop your voice and all that sort of thing. I like your ideas and comments and opinions and observations. You write clearly. You hold my interest.

    I was afraid to get personal in my blog, so I did it in baby steps. I got positive feedback and kept going…but I try to not take advantage of reader kindness 🙂

    I hope you get feedback, so you’ll know better what works or not, but I’m rooting for you no matter what!

  2. Thanks Kim! Your blog is an inspiration behind much of where I’m hoping to head. I love your personal stories. Thank you for sharing your insights and thoughts with me. 🙂

  3. says: Webomatica

    Well, I’ve only been at the blogging thing for less than a year. But I will say that the more personal posts, as well as the timely ones, have a burst of activity but then fade. Over time the posts I’ve written about specific subjects that are more “timeless” (and therefore less personal) like say, a list of the Beatles albums I’ve reviewed are rising steadily in terms of hits. So this is not to say I don’t post personal stuff, but there can easily be a balance and a variety of subjects and styles.

    Great, thoughtful blog by the way… I think I have found one to bookmark!

  4. Your Apple IIgs game list is totally outdated — like by 20 years — but it was an incredible help. 😉

    But I think personal musings can sometimes be totally timeless too. I haven’t had my blog enough to determine the rate of visitors coming here. However, I do think that those deep dark secrets can sometimes be worth reading time and time again — even in 5 years to reflect on the silliness of it all.

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